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How to boost team spirits during a pandemic

Posted: June 2nd, 2020

Fortunately, for many of us in the construction industry, we have been able to work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. But that doesn’t mean a whole host of other things haven’t changed for us. As we all work our way through the next few months of easing restrictions, it’s still important that we check in with our teams to see how they are going. yes, we may still have our jobs, but so much else has changed. It’s time to give your team’s morale a health check and implement a few little tactics to maintain and boost team spirits. Here’s how.

Regular check-ins

This one is important. Very important. You may already do this with your team, but now more than ever it is essential that you check in with each member on a personal level. You can keep these kinds of catch-ups casual but with the sole intent of giving each team member a safe space to voice any concerns or worries they have and how they have been dealing under the current situation. Think less performance review and more compassionate conversation. Use yourself as a guide, if you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed due to the pandemic, there is a good chance your team is too. Now is the time too boost team spirits. On these days, check-in with them. Take a walk to grab a coffee or jump in the car together for the next delivery. 


Everybody is juggling more than they are used to right now. Families have a full house again and parents are homeschooling, teaching their kids things they thought they had well and truly left behind in their teenage years. So flexibility is a must. A great way to implement this is to let your team know that you are clocking tasks and not hours. Give them the ability to work on a schedule that best suits them and their household. 


Let your team know that it is okay to be struggling in the current environment. The best way to do this? It’s to be transparent yourself. Lead by example and share the element that you struggle with. 

Looking after yourself

During all this, don’t forget to look after yourself too. Doing so will mean you can better care and support your team through the madness. And remember as winter settles in, the chill can also really affect your team, read up on our tips for worksite morale during winter