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Why your building business should have a social media presence

Posted: April 20th, 2020

Running a small business undoubtedly means your nine to five is busy. Okay, let’s be honest it’s probably PACKED. So when someone mentions that business should have a social media presence, you could be forgiven for looking the other way. A lack of time, amongst other things, might mean you just aren’t sold on the ‘why’ your business NEEDS social media pages. Maybe you aren’t totally familiar with the platforms, maybe you don’t have exactly all the resources you think you need to get started. There are a bunch of seemingly valid excuses for not having kicked it off the ground yet. Well, let us be the ones to tell you… you and your building business are missing out. Don’t worry we are about to tell you why:

You might not be on social media but your customers are

One seventh of the world’s population is on Facebook and 111 million of them are on Instagram too. That’s a pretty large chunk of the world’s entire population active on social media. So what does that mean to you? Well, plain and simple, it means that there is a VERY good chance your current and potential customers are also on social media.

Entering this space with considered and engaging content enables to you connect with your customers in another dimension and on another level than you ad previously. It can help develop, build and create better relationships with your customers than you have ever had before.

You can prove yourself and your abilities

It’s a well-known fact that consumers do a huge percentage of their research online. Not only across search engines and websites but also, yep you guessed it, social media. Consumers head to social media pages to get an intimate feel of a business and to weigh up whether that business is worthy of winning their business.

Nestle into your niche

Naturally running a small business often means you offer quite a particular set of services or products. Not everyone will be after what you offer. But with one billion Facebook users you can bet your niche business has the potential to reach a much larger audience of interested consumers.

You can bet your biggest competitors are on social media

If you aren’t on social media, you’ve instantly just given your competitors a huge headstart in the race. In fact, your business practically drops completely out of the competition. Consumers don’t have much patience, and when you make it hard for them to find you, you better believe they won’t try very hard and will instead turn their gaze towards your more socially active competitors. 

Conversation = conversion

Social media offers your business a direct line to your audience, you can listen to them, connect with them and converse with them. Being present on their networks gives you the ability to learn intimately about your customers, their behaviours, needs and what they are interested in. 

People will talk, whether you are present or not. So having a social presence for your business helps to control this narrative. You can better manage the feedback, whether it be shouting your praise and more importantly if when it’s not. It’s better you are there to rectify the situation.

With the world spending more time at home, your consumers are naturally spending a lot more time online. This means that there’s never been a better time to give your business a social media presence and connect with your audience. If you want more, check out our blog ‘Ways Builders Can Use Marketing.’